Fashion Tip: Keeping it Simple for an Event

When you are getting ready for a night out, a conference, or any special event, the first thing you wonder is, what am I going to wear? Let me give you a suggestion, don't get your heart set on being the center of attention based on what you are wearing. Keep it simple, classy and elegant. Everyone has a different version of what that means, but you catch my drift. For me, I have several simple looks.

Vintage and Simple 

Hair: A loose low bun

High collared shirts and long skirts will almost immediately give you a vintage look. I was told I looked like a vintage elementary school teacher. I like that!

Elegant and Simple 

Hair: A large textured high bun with chopsticks

Black is always elegant. No matter how you layer it, it will look dressy. Use a small belt to complete the look. Since it was cold out, I added a fur collar. Be creative but don't go overboard.

Fun and Simple 

Hair: A low bun with rolls

Pleated skirts are awesome. Especially in a color. They are modest, forgiving, and flattering for any body type. If you like to play it safe you could pair this with a black belt instead.  
Find what works for you and wear it with confidence. Don't wear a long faced apologetic look daily because of your "rags" that you must wear. No, no... " She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple." (Proverbs 31: 22) 

Dress like a lady, put a smile on your face and be a witness and example to others! That a way girl :)

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