Hello ladies! Meet Veronica Watson. She is a beautiful Apostolic sister who has recently started a blog. I am so excited that she has taken the time to do this. She is such a sweet spirited girl who has a desire to love God and be pleasing to him. She shared her hair story with us here. Its a must read!
I pray that her blog is a blessing to you. So I am sure you want to hear from her! So here it is:
I pray that her blog is a blessing to you. So I am sure you want to hear from her! So here it is:
1. How long have you been natural?
Ummmm…since I was about 12 so 2005
2. What inspired you to start a blog?
As a new Apostolic Pentecostal woman I wanted to be able to network with other women and let my friends and family know what was going on with me since I’m away in college. I see how your blog inspires so many women including myself so I thought that maybe if I shared my journey/testimony it could help someone even if it’s just ONE. I really hope I am able to minister to the women in my family, friends, and any other woman I can help. I also look forward to leaning so much! =)
3. Why have you made the decision not to trim/cut your hair?
I grew up in a church where women were not taught that their hair should remain uncut so I really had no Idea. It was not until after I started going to a church that was in truth with a few friends I met in college that it came up. I was talking to my boyfriend (just my friend at the time) about how I really needed to cut off my damaged ends when he told me that the Apostolic Pentecostal women that he knew did not cut their hair. I was shocked because I never heard of this but then it made sense when I recall seeing all the women with beautiful long hair. =) I asked him why and he referred me to his mother. I talked to her and searched the scripture again and again. Although I really wanted to cut my hair I knew that I was not justified. I thought my hair would never grow back from all the damage I did to it if I did not cut it but out of obedience and not understanding I made the decision not to ever cut my hair early December 2011. I was totally convicted!! Oh and my hair did grow back LOL and is healthy now (silly me)!!! =)
4. Why is natural hair beautiful to you?
Natural hair is beautiful to me because it does not reflect how society pressures me to look; it’s a part of how I am separate from the world. It also shows God that I appreciate how he made me.
You can expect me to discuss topics such as modest fashion, hair, holiness, caring for your temple, testimonies, and other fun girly topics =)! I will be sharing my experiences and lessons I come across along my journey as an Apostolic Pentecostal woman. You can also expect open discussions on different topics in hopes of getting the perspective of other women so that we can minister to each other =)!
6. Tell us what your natural journey has been like? What has given you the courage to share your journey with the world?
Although I have been natural since I was a little girl my journey is different because I am no longer the focus. I have chosen to take care of my hair to be obedient to God. I no longer cut my hair or afflict any other damage to my hair in order to glorify my Father in heaven. I have the courage to share my journey with the world because I want women to know that uncut hair is not just for women “back then” but that it is for us also. Ihope that my testimony inspires someone to search the word of God and seek His face! =)
7. Any words of encouragement that you would like to share?
I want to encourage you beautiful ladies to continue to stand firm for holiness and continue to share your experiences. Most of all do it out of love. These are the two things I that helped me most of all when God revealed truth to me. People need to see the passion that we have for Jesus and need us to reach out to them.
So what are you waiting for? Subscribe to Veronica's Apostolic Journey here!!
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